Thursday, September 24, 2009

Always just one step behind Tyler Durden…

Fight Club is a movie that unfolds a new thing everytime you watch it.Of course its a cult film & everyone might not be interested in visiting it again & again due to its dark theme & a depressing plot. The irony is everytime I feel low, depressed, for some reason, I put on the dvd of Fight Club & watch it, sometimes in patches & sometimes the whole film.Last night I watched the movie again & I can’t say what number of time it was but I watched almost the whole of it.

Anyway why I decided to write this post is because last night I felt many things while watching the film that I never did before.Its freakish similarity to the current circumstances (read post 9/11) in the world & specifically to September 11 that obviously changed the world forever.Freakish, because Fight Club released in 1999, two years before 9/11 happened but when you watch the film you cant help but think about the twin tower collapse, and what followed it or rather what preceded it. I dont know what to make out of it but its actually surreal.

Navigating the net I found this interesting video on youtube -

Though at few times I feel the video tries to read too much into it & is funny, but at times it raises interesting questions.Or watch the movie to figure it out yourself.

Anyhow Fight Club is a film which cannot be tied down to one or two things or events.It deals with the psychological grind of a person living in these troubled & complex times.It doesn’t say who is wrong or who is right, or what is black & what is white. It just shows what the world around us can do to us.It deals with how individualism could destroy & similarly, how collectivism can destroy us, too and acc. to me thats what makes this film a masterpiece.David Fincher was born to adapt & make this Chuck Palahniuk novel.

Watch the video & also, here is an interesting write up on the movie & its similiraties with 9/11 -

the film is 'thoroughly entertaining' as well

Ed Norton's choice of films makes him an exciting actor

Fincher used Brad Pitt most effectively

the film couldn't have been what is without its dark theme

the man behind the camera is the man behind the 'project mayhem'